Category: Politics

  • Broadsheet vs Islamic Republic of Pakistan and NAB case

    A few days ago, after a British court decision, the government of Pakistan paid a company called Broadsheet. 29 million dollars as compensation and fine.” We are ready to return this money to the government of Pakistan on behalf of our company. If the government restores the old agreement with us and allows us to…

  • Keep Calm And Think About Joe Biden’s Cabinet A Threat

    Biden’s cabinet a threat:-The Salala check post is located on the Pak-Afghan border in Mohmand Agency. At 2:00 am on November 26, 2011, two NATO Apache helicopters from Afghanistan arrived at the Salala check post and attacked the Pakistani military barracks. Helicopters were being given US Army A-130 gunships and two F-15 Eagle fighter jets.…

  • S400:-India cannot buy a Russian missile defense system

    Russian S400 missiles:- Chinese 3D mapping David Korn appointed CIA deputy director. The Biden administration has already warned India that if it acquires the Russian missile defense system S400, it will face sanctions under the (Katsa Agreement). We will not save any country from sanctions anymore. It is clear that India has already paid  800…

  • Presidency of the United States of America-Selecting A President

    Selecting A President:- The candidate who gets the maximum votes from the humans within the presidential election does not always become the brand new president of the united states. this is due to the fact within the united states of America, the president isn’t at once elected with the aid of everyday voters, but by…