Broadsheet vs Islamic Republic of Pakistan and NAB case

A few days ago, after a British court decision, the government of Pakistan paid a company called Broadsheet. 29 million dollars as compensation and fine.” We are ready to return this money to the government of Pakistan on behalf of our company. If the government restores the old agreement with us and allows us to find the looted wealth and bring it back to Pakistan,” said Kave Mousavi, the current head of Broadsheet. Pay 20% of it as compensation.

“Even after the agreement expires, we have given the current government of Pakistan the latest tip of 1,000 million,” he added. Which a Pakistani politician transferred from Saudi Arabia to Britain. The minister who came to talk about this asked Imran Khan for his personal commission in return for doing this work, but we refused.

The whole affair was started by Pervez Musharraf

The whole affair was started by Pervez Musharraf. He hired two British companies, Broadsheet and International East Recovery, in 2000 to recover the loot. Agreed by NAB. The two companies were given a list of 200 Pakistanis by the NAB who was to help them trace their wealth and assets abroad and bring them back to Pakistan.

The list also included the names of Nawaz Sharif, Asif Zardari, Benazir Bhutto, and a few generals. However, soon after, under pressure from Saudi Arabia, Nawaz Sharif was given an NRO and deported. The NAB canceled the contract with Broadsheet in 2003. Broadsheet was offered 5 million in compensation in 2004 but asked for 500 500 million. According to him, in just two years, at least 20% of the wealth he has amassed.

In 2007

In 2007, both companies issued regular notices to Pakistan to pay our arrears. During the PPP regime in 2008, about 5 million was paid to both companies. Gilani was the prime minister at the moment. However, in 2009 the companies were again asked to pay our arrears. The then government replied that the payment had been made. Negotiations resumed. Broadsheet took the matter to court.

In 2011

In 2011, Broadsheet owner James committed suicide. The NAB maintains that it had been rewarded and that the contract had been strike. According to Mousavi, during the court proceedings, in 2012, a man named Anjum Dar offered him 25 million from the Sharif family in exchange for stopping the investigation. Which he rejected. According to Mousavi, the Sharif family knew that if the case went to court, they would skin their hair and create problems for them in London.

The case goes to court

The case goes to court. The court lined in 2016. The government of Pakistan was found guilty. Then there was Nawaz Sharif’s government. The Nawaz Sharif government requested not to make the decision public. A few months later, the same court ordered Pakistan to pay a total of 21.5 million, of which 20.5 million was for compensation only for the investigation of Nawaz Sharif’s assets. The Nawaz Sharif government did not make that payment.

An application was stuck with the concierge management against this decision which was dismissed. And today, four years later, the Imran Khan government paid 21.5 million, including 8 million in interest. Tom Broadsheet Company and its head still want to run these affairs with Pakistan and are ready to return 29 million.

According to Broadsheet, they have so far traced only Nawaz Sharif’s wealth in which his salary alone will be over 1,000 million. As a tip, he mentioned the latest 1 billion transactions, which, if worked out, could fetch him 200 million. According to the Broadsheet chief, we (American cities) got accounts in New Jersey, we got accounts in London, Switzerland, and the Cayman Islands, and all over the world. We could clearly see that these accounts belonged to either Nawaz Sharif himself or his trusted friends.

Broadsheet also pointed fingers at the NAB

However, Broadsheet also pointed fingers at the NAB. Who leaked the information they provided. That is, they would reach out to the people whose wealth they were tracking. And they would immediately transfer their wealth to other accounts. Expressing confidence in Imran Khan, Mousavi said, “We are ready to work with him if he himself takes an interest in the matter.”Imran Khan is said to have asked some important institutions to check the broadsheet issue. If Broadsheet’s claims are true, we will work with them on the old terms.

Note: Maryam Nawaz has said that Broadsheet has exposed Imran Khan. Can somebody inform me how? Or is this woman actually out of balance?







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