23 March 1940, Pakistan Resolution Day

23 March 1940, is a day of great significance for the Muslims of the world in general and for the Muslims of India in particular. On this day, the Indian Muslims, under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam, pledged to form a new Islamic state. And set out on a complicated and bitter path.

Since the caravan leader was convinced of the veracity of his purpose, the caravan continued to move despite strong winds. And achieved its goal in a short span of 8 years. Thus a great Islamic empire emerged on the world map, with its crescent flag flying from the Arabian Sea in the south to the icy peaks in the north.

But this journey of freedom did not last only 8 years. It had centuries of history behind it. There were stories of the greatness and glory of the Muslims and also the tragedy of decline and degradation but the lamp of Muslim nationalism has always been bright in the course of history.

It is a chronological fact that Quaid-e-Azam fought only on each front and beaten all his rivals. This courage and strength were created by his faith in Quaid-e-Azam. This great leader paid homage to the leadership of the Muslims.

That is why Allama Iqbal said

Eyes high, eloquent, soulful.

This is the journey for my caravan.

Under the visionary and selfless leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the caravan of freedom reached 23 March 1940. Quaid-e-Azam chose the city of Lahore as the bride to demand the partition of India and the establishment of Pakistan and convened the 27th meeting of the All India Muslim League on March 21-24, 1940 at Manto Park.

Lahore was considered the capital of Punjab and Sir Sikandar Hayat was considered the stronghold of the Unionist Party of the Prime Minister of Punjab. This announcement of the Quaid struck a chord with the British government and the Hindu leadership.

Sir Alexander Hayat

Sir Alexander Hayat and his companions prepared to fight the 100 million Muslims of the subcontinent to please their master the British and the Hindus. These Todi feudal lords and the Hindus of the British environment could never have imagined that the British might be forced to leave the subcontinent.

The Unionist government decided to take police action on a grand rally and parade of Khaksars on March 19, which included 313 Khaksars, to stop the 23 March Muslim League rally. Police opened fire without provocation and martyred more than 100 Khaksars.

The UNist government imposed a curfew in some areas of Lahore as per the revised program and the army started patrolling the city. Sir Sikandar Hayat through some Muslim League leaders tried to postpone the meeting of the Muslim League but Quaid-e-Azam was not ready.

The PML-N has decided to hold its 28th meeting in Manto Park as per the announced dates. Unionist leader Sir Sikandar Hayat refused to allow the rally for various reasons. This was strongly protested by the Muslim League leaders as well as the Muslims of the subcontinent and then as soon as they saw this empty field became a big city of tents, canopies, and shamans, shops and stalls were set up everywhere.

21 March

The news of Quaid-e-Azam’s arrival in Lahore today was common. Early in the morning, millions of Muslims from Lahore and across the country flocked to the railway station. Even before the train arrived, the sea was rippling in and out of the train station. Muslims stood in the crowd for hours to welcome their beloved leader. At 9 a.m., Frontier Mail entered platform number one on time.

There was a great commotion in the vast sea of ​​human beings and the atmosphere resounded with the slogans of Allah Akbar. Earlier, crowds of Muslims gathered at every railway station to chant slogans at the sight of Quaid-e-Azam. Quaid-e-Azam continued to respond to their enthusiasm by shaking hands from his saloon.

As the train pulled up at the Lahore railway station, Quaid-e-Azam’s smiling face appeared at the door of his special saloon. He waved his hand in a heartwarming and winning manner. Ms. Fatima Jinnah was also with him.

With Quaid-e-Azam in front of him

With Quaid-e-Azam in front of him, a new enthusiasm was created in the slogans. The doors and walls of the railway station trembled with the intensity of the slogans. For some time, Quaid-e-Azam watched this excitement, waved his hand, and kept smiling.

Due to the tragic incident of 19 March, you did not consider it appropriate to hold a procession. It was announced that all the attendees should go home. Later, the Quaid-e-Azam reached Mamdoot House directly from the station. It was half-past ten at that time.

Domestic and foreign media were present at Mamdoot House. The Quaid was busy talking to him till 11.30 am and then went directly to Mayo Hospital to check the situation of the wounded Khaksars. At the hospital, you went to one injured Khaksar.

In the evening, Quaid-e-Azam visited Manto Park where thousands of people welcomed him. He unfurled the green flag of the Muslim League in front of the venue. Later, the Muslim League National Guard from all over the subcontinent greeted you.

The National Guard then took over administrative matters. In his short speech, Quaid-e-Azam said in the first sentence that he had come to see his wounded sons. This sincere and loving phrase filled the audience with enthusiasm and passion.

22 March

After Friday prayers, the first session of the 28th annual meeting of the Muslim League took place. It was an open meeting in which millions of Muslims in India participated. There was no place to sit in the hall. Up to the Badshahi Mosque, only human heads could be seen.

The Muslim League leaders and workers from outside were dressed in their local attire, some of them elderly, but their intentions were young. There was also a large number of women. If slogans were chanted, these women would also express their enthusiasm.

This historic and grand gathering presided over by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah began with the recitation of the Holy Quran, after which Anwar Qureshi recited a poem by Mian Bashir Ahmed.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the guardian of the nation

The nation is the body, the soul is Muhammad Ali Jinnah

The image of determination, the soul of fidelity, the spirit of freedom

Who is, Muhammad Ali Jinnah is unconcerned

He has nine crores of patience in his heart

Muhammad Ali Jinnah is powerless to say

It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring

Such is the hard work of Muhammad Ali Jinnah

The hearts of others also melted inside their chests

Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the mouthpiece of the oppressed

The number of delegates from abroad was about 2,000 who came from all parts of India to decide on the future of the Muslims and their future course of action. The accommodation and accommodation of these delegates were very satisfactory.

Whatever the Definition of the Word Nation

Muslims are a nation in every way, so they should have their own territory and their own state. At this announcement, slogans were raised in the hall. Quaid-i-Azam made it clear that if the British government imposed a constitution or settlement on the Muslims without their support and approval, the Muslims would strongly resist.

If the British sincerely want the people of the subcontinent to live in peace and prosperity in China, then the only way to do so is to divide India into sovereign nations and give a separate homeland to the great nations here. And after concluding the speech, he adjourned the meeting.

23 March Pakistan day

The meeting was taking place in the last decade of March. In those days, the weather in Lahore is very pleasant as winter passes and summer arrives. New leaves begin to sprout on the branches of trees and every hundred lives look smiling and laughing.

In the part of Manto Park where Minar-e-Pakistan stands today, there were no grass fields while there was a muddy field. In this field, there were mango trees in the shade of which carefree and playful boys used to play the public game of Punjab, Gali Danda. The park was a popular place.

When the playful and carefree boys found out that a meeting of the Muslim League was to be held in this arena, they forgot the streets and joined hands with the volunteers to turn this uneven place into a meeting place.

In the miserable lives of the Muslims of India, the Pakistan Resolution became a breeze of spring and brought a message of revival to them. Every year 23 March reminds us that if we renew the same spirit that we had in 23 March 1940, spring can come to our national life even today and remember this message of Allama Iqbal:

The individual is connected to the nation, not alone

There is a wave in the river, nothing outside the river

March has Another Significance

When the constitution was drafted in 1956 and Pakistan was declared an Islamic republic, this historic day became known as Pakistan Day as well as Republic Day.

On this historic day, there was a huge crowd of children of Tawheed in the assembly hall. The National Guard saluted you. What a meeting place, there was an ocean full of the excitement of living human beings, but in the presence of the great leader there was order everywhere.

People stood respectfully to greet the Quaid

People stood respectfully to greet the Quaid and then sat down. When the Quaid-e-Azam rose to the presidency, Muslim League leaders from all over the subcontinent came to his right, left, and back. Even on this historic occasion, Indian Muslims gathered under one flag.

The Quaid-e-Azam was dressed in white achkan and wide pajamas. He wears an individual cap on his top which is called “Jinnah Cape”. There was a monocular hanging around his neck. Ms. Fatima Jinnah was with him. Nawabzada Siddique Ali Khan was standing right behind the chair of Quaid-e-Azam with his eminent personality holding a sword.

After the recitation, Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan presented the details of the annual performance which was approved. After the approval, the Lion of Bengal Abul Qasim Fazlul Haq presented the contract in English, later the following Urdu translation was presented by Maulana Zafar Ali Khan:

This meeting of the All India Muslim League considers it necessary to express its firm view that Islamic India will not be satisfied until the issue of the Constitution of India is redefined. They will not accept any alternative constitution until It is not made according to their wishes and intentions.

The Further Opinion of This Meeting

The further opinion of this meeting is that no constitution can be workable for the country. And acceptable to the Muslims if it is not based on the premise that the geographically adjoining parts should be merged after the appropriate change of boundaries in such a way that India.

The northwestern and eastern parts of the country. Where the majority of Muslims are, should be transformed into independent states. And their constituent elements should be independent.

Minorities in these parts and areas should be given appropriate and effective constitutional protections as per their wishes so that their religious, economic, political.

And other rights and interests are protected and in those parts of India where Muslims are in the minority, For other minorities, such appropriate and effective reservations should be made in the Constitution as they wish so that their religious, cultural, economic, political, and other rights and interests are also protected. “

“This meeting empowers the Executive Council to draft a constitution which is in accordance with its basic principles. And which allows the area concerned to ultimately exercise authority over the defense, foreign affairs, communications, revenue. And other necessary matters.” Be the owner. “

After the Resolution Was Presented

After the resolution was presented, there were speeches on the resolution, then the resolution was voted on. Words fail to describe the enthusiasm, enthusiasm, and sincerity that was seen there when this historic resolution was passed.

This is the resolution on the basis of which this Kingdom of God-given Pakistan was established on the planet. This is the first time in the entire history of the United Nations that a country has come into being through a resolution.

This Pakistan resolution divided India into two parts. The resolution of Pakistan is due to the liberation of the Muslims of India from British imperialism. And the liberation from the domination of non-Muslim nations forever.

The great part of this resolution in changing the destiny of the Muslims of India cannot be erased by the rest of the world, nor can the importance and usefulness of this resolution be diminished in the slightest. This resolution is engraved on our hearts just as it is engraved on the Manar of Pakistan today.

After the approval of the resolution, the Quaid-e-Azam addressed the gathering. Your sermon is not only a historical document but also our national document regarding the formation of Pakistan.

Quaid-e-Azam First Uttered

Quaid-e-Azam first uttered some introductory words in Urdu and then delivered a speech in English for one hour and forty minutes. The majority of the audience, despite not knowing English, was unanimous. It is not possible to enter the full text of your sermon here. Here are some excerpts.

I don’t understand why our Hindu friends don’t try to understand the reality of Islam and Hinduism. It is not right to take these two religions in common sense. In fact, they are two different and separate civilizations and it is just a dream. This misconception is the source of many of our problems and if it is not rectified in time. It will push India into the abyss of destruction.

We want to use the principles we deem appropriate in our free country to determine the evolutionary stages of spiritual, cultural, economic, social, and political life.

It is clear that we will not give up our position in any way out of fear

We have set our goal, now we will not hesitate to make any sacrifice to achieve it. Achieving the goal is not a simple task, independence cannot be achieved by mere arguments.

Thus, every freedom movement succeeds only by going through fire and blood. But the manner in which the drunkards of the Pakistan Movement crossed this terrible sea is unparalleled in the history of modern times.

However, Our forefathers established Pakistan, for the freedom, prosperity, and happiness of our next generation. Now it is our individual and collective duty not to spare a single minute to protect this sacred land. Come on! Pledge together that we will dedicate all our mental and physical abilities to the development. And the construction of our dear homeland.


One response to “23 March 1940, Pakistan Resolution Day”

  1. Noman Arif Avatar
    Noman Arif

    A good way to remember our beloved memory

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