Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia

Pulseless ventricular tachycardia:- Migration stroke or Extrasystole, and it is clear that the QRS wave is wide and at the same time irregularly. Then, we notice the occurrence of Pulseless ventricular tachycardia and as a result of not treating the case, it turned into Coarse ventricular fibrillation (ie, ventricular fibrillation) in case (CPR was not performed and defibrillators shocked was not given. Signs to identify the disease including pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, sweating, and dizziness.

In addition to heart disease which is often associated as a ‘silent killer’. Sudden cardiac arrest or sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is actually more dangerous. Usually, the situation happens suddenly, without warning. The victim will continue to collapse, have no pulse, fail to breathe and die within minutes if not treated immediately.

When compared to a heart attack. In most cases, the victim can still be rescued as there are various early signs to identify the disease including pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, sweating, and dizziness.

Quality CPR includes ensuring the correct rate and depth of chest compressions, repairing the chest wall, avoiding further ventilation, and limiting compression fractures to a maximum of 10 seconds so that the total time for chest compressions during CPR is at least 60%.

In contrast to SCA which can affect anyone including individuals who are healthy, fit, and free from heart disease. Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Columbia Asia Hospital, Petaling Jaya, Dr. Nandakumar Ramakrishnan, said SCA is a condition where a person’s heart stops suddenly.

To understand SCA, we need to know how the heart works. The heart has an electrical structure that controls the pulse and beat of the heartbeat. It works to pump the heart regularly.

Arrhythmic Disorders

However, when there is a disturbance to the heart’s electrical system. It causes the heart to be irregular, known as arrhythmia. Commenting further, Dr. Nandakumar said, this arrhythmic disorder causes the heart to beat in various conditions whether it is too fast, slow or non-uniform. There are arrhythmias that cause the heart to stop pumping blood into the body, thus resulting in SCA.

Examples of this kind of arrhythmia contain ventricular fibrillation (VF) or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT).

If this happens, the blood will stop flowing to the brain and other important organs, causing the victim to be unable to breathe and unconscious. Dr. Nandakumar said there were several causes that could lead to an SCA attack.

Individuals who have a heart attack can develop SCA. If the heart attack is quite severe due to clogged coronary arteries, it can trigger arrhythmias that cause SCA. Besides that, those who suffer from cardiomyopathy, which is a weak or swollen heart, and defects in the structure of the heart from birth (congenital heart disease) can also be the cause of SCA. He said it was also due to the problem of drug abuse.

Although it is difficult to detect SCA due to the absence of obvious signs, sometimes there are symptoms to identify its presence. These include chest pain, difficulty breathing, feeling weak, rapid heartbeat, headache, and almost fainting.

Make periodic checks

Therefore, as a precautionary measure, Dr. Nandakumar encouraged the community to make regular check-ups, especially those who have the potential to suffer from SCA. They need to know the family history. The risk is higher if some family members suffer from heart disease or die at a young age for no reason.

In addition, practice a healthy lifestyle and do routine checkups such as cholesterol tests, blood pressure, and sugar levels. Individuals at risk contain those who smoke, are overweight, guide an immobile way of life and have high blood pressure, or have had a heart attack. The group is advised to refer to a cardiologist for tests including electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram, angiogram procedure, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan.

Nandakumar also said that awareness of the dangers of SCA needs to be increased among the community. As it can cause death if not given emergency treatment within minutes. When the heart stops and there is no instant urgent situation help, it causes oxygen not to arrive at the brain. If not treated within minutes, the victim died instantly. Therefore, the emergency treatment that can be given is to put pressure on the victim’s chest, emergency breathing assistance (CPR), or use a defibrillator.

Methods of treatment

Touching on treatment methods for patients confirmed to have SCA. They were advised to undergo minor surgery by installing an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD).

An ICD is a little machine located under the skin on the chest. Its function is to monitor and control dangerous arrhythmias by providing electric shocks during heart disturbances.

ICD should be present in the body of SCA patients for life as there is a risk of recurrent disorders. Patients are advised to undergo electrophysiology study and radiofrequency ablation to reduce or correct electrical disturbances in the heart.


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