Posterior Shoulder Dislocation

Posterior shoulder dislocation is one of the most difficult pain that affects a person, it occurs after exposure to a strong trauma that affected the shoulder joint, and its treatment depends on reaction and exercises to rehabilitate the joint and muscles. Dr. Muhammad Iraqi, professor of orthopedics, joints, and fractures at Cairo University, said that posterior shoulder dislocation occurs in various stages and types of life.

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Direct, it occurs in violent contact sports such as wrestling. In which the shoulder is tightly stretched, as it occurs in the practice of soccer when a player comes into contact with another. Indirect, it occurs away from practicing sports, such as a person falling while leaning on his armor making him behind his back, Which leads to an external sprain in the arm that affects the shoulder and causes it to dislocate. Congenital dislocation. One of the congenital deformities that a child is born with. A repeated Posterior shoulder dislocation occurs once and has not been treated well, and did not get adequate rehabilitation of the joint, which made it easy to dislocate several times.

Reasons for Posterior Shoulder Dislocation

Mostly, shoulder dislocation occurs as a result of increased elasticity and weakness in the ligaments, weakness of the surrounding muscles. This affects the stability of the shoulder, in addition to poor physical fitness, lack of nutrition. And lack of reliance on minerals needed to strengthen muscles and ligaments. Such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc, according to Iraqi.

Types of Posterior Shoulder Dislocations Differ, Including

Anterior Dislocation:- It occurs as a result of a rupture in the anterior cartilage lip, which is like the meniscus in the knee, as well as a tear in the front ligaments in the head of the humerus, “the prominent bone in the shoulder”, and its incidence is frequent, affecting 80% of cases.

Posterior Dislocation

Posterior Shoulder DislocationsIt occurs as a result of a tear in the posterior cartilage lip. As well as a tear in the posterior ligaments in the head of the humerus, and these cases do not exceed 15%.

Multidirectional dislocation

It occurs as a result of a defect in most of the ligaments in the joint. And the sufferer feels that the joint has fallen down, and these cases are rare.


The patient feels severe pain in the affected area. A severe “crackling” sound in the shoulder joint. The victim cannot hold his arm. Total loss of movement in the shoulder joint.

The Diagnosis

The professor of joint surgery confirmed that the diagnosis depends on following up the symptoms. And making tests for the injured to confirm the injury. Including testing the range of motion of the joint. And multiple examinations are undergone to ensure that it does not put pressure on the arteries or nerves. In addition to Normal x-rays on the shoulder. The shoulder.- Resonance dye.Three-dimensional resonance rays.

After making sure that the shoulder is dislocated and not compressing the arteries or nerves, a response to the joint is performed under the influence of anesthesia to be done at maximum speed, with some medications that help reduce pain and contracture And infiltration, with wearing the shoulder strap for a period ranging between 4: 6 weeks to ensure its healing, and after that, the patient is subjected to rehabilitation through physical therapy to rehabilitate muscles, especially that in this case they are weak, with muscular rehabilitation of the joint, as well as movement rehabilitation, and here the instructions must be adhered to Doctor not to repeat it.

When do We Resort to Surgery?

If the shoulder does not respond to the response. And if there is a suspicion that there is a cut in the cartilage lip or in the ligaments. Then surgical intervention is necessary immediately to heal it.


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