Mariana, A City to Visit in Brazil

The city that takes its name from many people in Brazil. Mariana is the first village in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A cozy place that shelters stories of faith, political struggle, war for gold and slavery. Tourists and locals can check it all out in one tour. Mariana can still be considered a small town, with just over 60 thousand inhabitants. The city that is part of the In-confident region of Minas Gerais is unique for its architecture, local culture, gastronomy, natural beauty and economy.

For some years now, a lot has been invested in events in Mariana. Which is why residents of the surrounding circus cities often choose Mariana for leisure and fun times. Not to mention that compared to Ouro Preto.  Mariana has a more favorable climate. mild, which gives the heritage a range of attractions related to ecotourism. In addition to being the first village to be registered as a village. Mariana was also the first projected capital city of the state. And the first capital of Minas.

Mariana became even better known after the collapse of an ore dam that hit part of the rural area of ​​the city. Causing one of the biggest environmental disasters in Brazil. But before that, the heritage city was already very popular for tourism. The wealth and details of the city helped to overcome the environmental crisis.

With large Rococo-style mansions and churches that received the baroque art of an 18th-century Brazil Colony. The primate has some highlights that make it worth a weekend trip or a day trip. But beware, who knows falls in love and may want to enjoy it for a longer time. As an excerpt from a folk song says, “Oh Minas Gerais, whoever knows you will never forget”.

Where to Visit in Mariana?

Do you want to go to Mariana and don’t know where to start the tour? Let’s leave tips for places to start.

Sao Pedro Dos Clerigos Church:

With construction beginning in 1731 and still unfinished, the São Pedro dos Clérigos Church received baroque art at its foundation. Unlike other churches in the region. It does not have gold, or gilded finishes, but in its interior. It has a wooden high altar with a large image of Saint Peter.
The church plan was designed by Antônio Pereira de Sousa Calheiros. The same architect who designed the Nossa Senhora do Rosário Church. In Ouro Preto, an architectural style of drawing extremely rare in the country. Which makes São Pedro dos Clérigos. As yet unpainted, a special heritage for Mariana and her visitors.

Claudio Manoel Square:

Claudio Manoel Square, in Mariana. Is at the center of tourist demand solely. Because it locates the Cathedral Basilica Nossa Senhora da Assunção, or Sé Cathedral. Up from an organ.
In addition to hosting the Sé Cathedral. Which was built in 1704, the Sé Square (Claudio Manoel) is also the stage for various events. Including religious ones. It is close to the commercial center of the city. In its surroundings there are establishments such as ice cream parlors, restaurants and snack bars.

Other Sights

  • Mariana’s Pass
  • Pillory
  • House of the Baron of Pontal
  • St. Joseph Major Seminary
  • St. Peter Fountain
  • Praetorium Step
  • Bridge of Sand Pass
  • Minas Gerais Square
  • Gomes Freire Square
  • 18th century house
  • House Count of Assumar
  • Archconfraternity of São Francisco dos Cordões
  • Chapel of Our Lady of Good Death
  • Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels

Gold Circuit

Gold CircuitIn addition to Mariana, other cities are part of the Gold Circuit. Which were the cities from which Portugal extracted the most mineral wealth, not only gold. But silver, copper and precious stones such as imperial topaz. That’s why the normal state of this name “Minas Gerais”. Because several cities were very rich in this sense, true mines. One of these municipalities is Ouro Preto, neighboring Mariana. Which is 14.4 miles away from Ouro Preto. There is a train, Maria Fumaça, which connects the two cities. The inclusive tour is incredible, rich in natural beauty.

However, for those who want to optimize their time. It is possible to move between the two “villages” by bus or car. For this you must pass through Passagem de Mariana. A small district of Mariana that has a mine open to visitation.
In Ouro Preto there are many sights to visit. Those who go to the historic city from Mariana, passing through the Passagem de Mariana. Arrive at the Alto da Cruz district. Then at Praça Tiradentes, the heart of Ouro Preto.

In the square, in addition to the statue of Joaquim Francisco José da Silva Xavier, popularly known as Tiradentes. It is possible to have access to the Museu da Inconfidência.

Inconfidência Mineira:

The Inconfidência Mineira (or Minas Gerais) was a political struggle movement at a time when Brazil was still a colony of Portugal. It was mainly marked by the ideal of making Brazil an independent nation from the then colonizer, the Portuguese Empire.

With Tiradentes as its leader. The movement of 1788 marked the country’s history. As Tiradentes, who was killed on charges of conspiracy against the Portuguese crown. After the proclamation of the independence of Brazil, became a martyr hero. Every April 21st, Tiradentes Day (Inconfidência Mineira) is celebrated in the country. An important milestone for the country’s freedom. That’s why the date is a national holiday.

Furthermore, in Ouro Preto there are many other heritages to discover. The mountainous city was the first Brazilian to receive the title of Cultural Heritage of Humanity. In Ouro Preto there are underground mines, where people who were enslaved extracted rich ores. In addition, many churches from the 27th century that have been preserved over time. They received Italian Baroque art with elements from Brazilian artists Aleijadinho and Mestre Ataíde. Which left the municipality with a unique and speculative architecture for many historians and curious people.


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