What are the Top 5 cybercrime hotspots in the world?

Cybersecurity Ventures:-When the internet becomes more intelligent, so do those who want to profit from it. Year after year, cybercrime becomes more advanced as emerging developments provide new possibilities for those seeking to use them for nefarious purposes.

Cyberattacks remain a huge issue that does not seem to be improving anytime soon. According to Cybersecurity Ventures’ latest annual survey, cybercrime will cost the world $10.5 trillion per year by 2025. This staggering amount includes stolen funds, missed productivity, reconstruction, and the deletion of hacked data and systems, among other things. (Cybersecurity Ventures).

The impact of a global pandemic and hacking figures show a significant uptick in compromised. And breached data from sources that are becoming more prevalent in the office. Such as smartphones and IoT computers. COVID-19 has also increased the number of remote workers. Increasing the risk of Cyberattacks. And compromise in Cybersecurity.

With yesteryears’ “Future Technology” finally shaping up, the world is shaken. With so many technological advancements having a positive impact on the quality of life. There’s an underside to this dreamlike progress- cybercrimes. (Cybersecurity Ventures).

What is cybercrime?:

Cybercrime is described as an illegal activity involving a computer. A computer network, or a networked system. Most, but not always, cybercrime is perpetrated by profit-driven cybercriminals or hackers. Individuals or organizations may commit cybercrime. And some cybercriminals are well-organized, use sophisticated tactics.

And have a high level of technological expertise. Others are newcomers to hacking. Cybercrime is rarely used to harm computers for purposes other than gains. These may be either political or personal in nature. (Cybersecurity Ventures).

Cybersecurity Trends to Watch in 2021:

The year 2020 carried with it a slew of challenges and triumphs. Companies have been pushed to build remote workforces. And run on cloud-based systems as a result of COVID-19. The introduction of 5G has made connected users more connected than they’ve ever been. To summarise, the cybersecurity market has never been more vital. In light of recent events as well as the facts and figures listed below. Here are some market developments and forecasts to look out for in 2021 and beyond.

  • Cybercriminals will continue to target remote employees.
  • Cloud violations will become more common as a result of remote workforces.
  • The cybersecurity skills shortage will continue to be an issue.
  • IoT networks will become more vulnerable to cyber threats as a result of 5G rising the bandwidth of mobile devices.

Everyone, at one point, must have wondered which countries experience the most cybercrimes. If you have ever wondered that then should also know which countries are the hotspot of cybercrimes.

Here are the Top Cyber Crime Hotspots:

China:-China is regarded as a cult hero hacker hotbed. Instead of focusing on criminal organizations, the focus has shifted to the Chinese government. Which has been tied to economic and political espionage against the United States. Unaffiliated Chinese hackers have caused problems both within. And outside the world, but their numbers are relatively low for the country’s size.

The majority of Chinese cyberattacks on the US industry target hardware. And communications providers, as well as defense contractors. In 2015, China and the United States agreed to cease conducting digital economic spying. Though Chinese attacks have decreased since then, they continue to be a problem. 


Brazil is viewed as a burgeoning cybercrime economy. Via underground forums, cybercriminals in Brazil and across South America are learning from their Eastern European counterparts. So far, cyberattacks launched from Brazil have always attacked local individuals and businesses.

The Olympics in Rio de Janeiro was marred by cybercrime. And digital threats, putting Brazil in the spotlight. Brazil was also the world’s second-largest source of cybercrime before the Olympics. Brazil accounts for 14.2 percent of all malware that originates from the country. Even though it has a population of less than 3% of the world’s total population.


Russia is said to be responsible for 4.1 percent of all malware. This does not seem to be a significant amount. Perhaps because Russia is involved in other cybercrimes such as:

  • Hacking voting lists in the United States.
  • Reporters are being hacked.
  • The Democratic National Convention being hacked.
  • The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has also been hacked (IRS).

Russian cybercriminals’ preferred targets are mostly in Europe and the United States. As a result, they must respond to security controls. These safeguards primarily consist of banking credentials and two-factor authentications through coordinate cards, SMS, and other means. To get through these kinds of security mechanisms, cybercriminals trick consumers into visiting the sites that the cybercriminals want them to visit.


Poland is ranked 36th in the world’s population. Accounting for less than 1% of the total population. Despite their small number, Poland’s second-largest export is electronic devices which can confuse you. This technologically advanced country has a single internet service provider (ISP) that accounts for around 5% of global spam. About the fact that Europe does not develop as many cyber threats as Asia or North America. It is the only country that spans two continents and keeps cyber intelligence feeds busy.


India is one of the countries with the world’s highest population. It is a high-tech society, and many American businesses outsource their operations here. Despite these realities, there are few cyber threats coming from India. And the country faces little of a cyberattack problem. So why is that the case?. Though it is impossible to say for sure. Cultural differences can make India less attractive to cybercriminals.

However, this does not rule out the possibility of cybercrime in India. According to figures published by the National Crime Records Bureau. Cybercrime has almost doubled since 2017. (NCRB). In India, emergency response teams have been formed to fight cybercrime.

Important statistics relating to Cybersecurity: 

Cybersecurity VenturesAccording to Gartner, the global information technology industry will hit $170.4 billion in 2022. This is due in large part to organizations’ changing cyber defenses. And an increase in such attacks, even within their own organizations. Human error is responsible for 95 percent of cybersecurity attacks, according to Cabinet. It’s an eye-opening insight into the cybersecurity world, and we’ve expanded on it to provide a better picture of the environment as a whole, as well as the broader influence of cyber assaults.

Wrapping up:

So, that is that. Yes, it’s unfortunate that people are exploiting this wonderful, life-changing technology to their advantage. But what can we say?. And you can buy some data but not conscience. One can do nothing but keep themselves safe from cyberattacks. And learn techniques to understand the nit-picks of it. There are several Cybersecurity Certifications available that one can take up and understand the complexity of the cyber world. 


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