Anemia treatment: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis

Anemia treatment: causes, symptoms, diagnosis:- Anemia is a condition mainly due to a decreased level of hemoglobin in the body, either due to a decreased number of red blood cells in the blood or due to a low level of hemoglobin in RBCs. Hemoglobin normally carries oxygen from the lungs and transfers it to the cells and body tissues so, the oxygen-binding capacity of hemoglobin decreases, and the oxygen cannot transfer to the body and tissues.

As we come to know that oxygen is necessary for our body metabolism So, a decrease in hemoglobin level will cause a severe level of destruction in the body and even death. Over 20 million people are anemic due to an unhealthy diet. Within this piece of writing, we will argue concerning types, causes symptoms, and treatments of anemia.

Types of Anemia

There are various types of anemia that leads to the low formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Various types are set below:

  1. Iron lack anemia
  2. Vitamin b12 insufficiency
  3. Blood loss
  4. Hereditary anemia
  5. Aplastic anemia
  6. Red blood size


1 Iron deficiency anemia

This type of anemia commonly develops in teenagers due to their rapid growth. They require a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins for their nourishment, and iron is one of these nutrients. Iron is used in hemoglobin formation, so it is necessary to replenish its amount in the body. This type of anemia is as small in men and post-menopausal women as girls of teen ages. Girls develop this type of anemia more due to menstruation. Pregnant women also lack iron in their bodies. So, anemia develops in them easily.

2 Pernicious anemia

Vitamin b12 deficiency is more common among vegetarians as it is rarely found in vegetables. Vitamin b12 and folate complex is important for RBCs production. Intrinsic factor released from the stomach helps in the reabsorption of iron. Any deficiency in vitamin B12, folic acid, or intrinsic factor can lead to the abnormal development of red blood cells. This kind of anemia is cried harmful anemia. Its effect on both men and women are equal.

3 Blood loss anemia

Blood loss anemia is very mild at the start. But if the blood continues to decrease in the body, then it leads its way to the severe form. Excessive menstruation or bleeding is the main cause. Ulcers and many types of cancers are also diagnosed in this type of anemia. Chronic blood loss due to accidents or surgical loss can develops anemia.

After rapid hemorrhage body can replenish its normal amount of anemia within 3 days, but if it leads to chronic blood loss, then small size red blood cells are forms that have a low amount of hemoglobin in them. Causes of this type of anemia are cancers of colons, ulcers, rapid blood loss. When blood loss occurs, iron deficiency also develops in the body which can further lead to iron deficiency anemia.

4 Hemolytic anemia

Hemolytic anemia includes fragile red blood cells that can rupture easily by passing through capillaries. These red blood cells destroy more than the normal rate. This type of anemia may include hereditary or autoimmune disorders. Sickle unit anemia is one of these anemias. In this, red blood cells are sickle-shaped which leads to the destruction of cells.

It contains faulty beta chains of hemoglobin. When oxygen comes in contact with such type of anemia, it will crystallize and form a sickle shape. In hereditary spherocytosis, RBCs are more spherical than their normal biconcave shape. Upon passing through the splenic pulp, they may rupture easily.

5 Aplastic anemia

This type of anemia is due to the destruction of the bone marrow which leads to a decrease in the number of all types of blood cells. Aplastic anemia is mainly due to excessive exposure to radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Anemia Symptoms

  1. Weakness.
  2. Weakness and faintness.
  3. The smallness of breath.
  4. Heart palpitations.
  5. Iron deficiency anemia symptoms or blood loss anemia give a pale complexion to sin. The skin turns into yellowish color.
  6. Headache.
  7. Vitamin b12 deficiency leads to fatigue, weight loss, back pain, eye disorders, menstrual disorders, diarrhea, constipation, and appetite loss.
  8. Chest pain.
  1. Hair fall.

Anemia treatment

  1. Anemia treatment: For iron deficiency anemia, you should take iron supplements according to your doctor’s medication. The patients should eat a healthier diet that includes green vegetables, legumes, and a small amount of red meat. In this type of medication, the patient may experience dark feces and a disturbed stomach.
  2. Folic acid, pyridoxine, and vitamin B12 supplements help to reduce pernicious anemia. Folic acid intake should be less than 1000 microgram per day as exceeding the level of folic acid also leads to vitamin b12 deficiency by damaging it. This type of anemia usually develops in the oldies or above the age of 50 because of the decrease absorption of cobalamin. Meat, fishes, dairy products can also help to reduce anemia. Vegetarians should include these supplements in their diets to decrease anemia.
  3. Blood loss anemia can be treated by transfusion of blood to the patient. Take supplements of iron along with vitamin B12. Proper medications by doctors are done to treat this.
  4. Anemia treatment, If patients suffer from hemolytic anemia, then steroids are given to them. It stops the immune system to fight against its own cells. Alcohol should avoid.







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