Raynaud’s disease: Treatment, causes, and symptoms

Raynaud’s disease is a disease that causes certain parts of your body. Such as the toes, hand, nose, or ears. In the event of a low temperature, it causes a state of numbness or coldness as the peripheral blood vessels that supply these parts with blood shrink. Which limits the flow of Blood in these parts.

Women are more susceptible to this disease. And people who live in cold places are more susceptible to it. And its treatment depends on how advanced the condition is and whether the person suffers from other accompanying diseases.

Symptoms of Raynaud’s Disease

Cold fingers and toes, changes in the color of the skin in cases of low temperatures, numbness, or pain in the form of a sting if you are trying to restore warmth to the cold extremities. In the beginning, the affected limbs appear in white color, then they turn blue, accompanied by a sense of coldness and numbness. And the sense of touch decreases in these places.

Usually, the seizure occurs in one or two fingers only, and it is not a requirement that they are the same fingers every time. And although the disease mainly affects the fingers mainly. It can affect other places such as the nose, ear, lips, or even the nipples, and the time of the seizure ranges from a few minutes. For several hours, symptoms associated with other diseases appear in the event that a person suffers from them.

Causes of Raynaud’s Disease

Raynaud's diseaseIt does not fully understand the causes of the disease. But it seems that these small vessels cause a severe reaction to low temperatures or extreme tension situations. In cases of extreme tension or extreme cold and exposure of the body to cold. A reaction that leads to the narrowing of the peripheral vessels in order to reduce blood flow to the extremities and preserve. It affects the vital organs and the internal temperature of the body. And this process is stronger in severity for people with Raynaud’s disease.

Raynaud’s Disease Occurs in Two Main Forms

Raynaud’s disease occurs in two main forms, namely primary Raynaud’s disease. Which has no clear reason for its occurrence and is not associated with other diseases that lead to its appearance. And it is the most common type and secondary Raynaud’s disease. This is also called Raynaud’s phenomenon. Which is less common but more dangerous, and its presence is usually associated with other diseases. At the age of about (40) years, and among the most important causes.

Scleroderma disease, which is a rare disease that leads to an increase in the thickness of the skin. And most people with it also develop Raynaud’s disease, SLE. Which are an immune disease, and arthritis and vascular diseases such as hardening of blood vessels. Where fats are deposited on the wall of vessels and make them less elastic and narrower than normal, and Buerger’s disease. It is pulmonary hypertension. Carpal tunnel syndrome, in which the passages that protect the nerves narrow and cause pressure on the nerve, causing numbness and coldness in the affected hand.

Types of Activities

Raynaud's diseaseTypes of activities or jobs such as piano players or workers who use vibration instruments for long periods of time causing long-term nerve injuries. Smoking is a result of reducing blood flow to the peripheral organs and various injuries, especially at the wrist, or as a result of surgery. Some medications, such as some antihypertensives, migraine headaches, estrogen-containing drugs, and some chemotherapy treatments.

Most Important Risk Factors for Raynaud’s Disease


Women are more likely to have Raynaud’s disease.


Primary Raynaud’s disease begins between the ages of 15 and 30.

Place of residence

Cold places expose you to more infections.

Your medical history

If a first-degree family member has the disease, you are more likely to have it. Complications of Raynaud’s disease In advanced cases, blood flow to the extremities may be reduced completely. Causing changes and defects in the fingers. And if the blood is completely cut off, severe infections will soon appear that will turn into an ulcer or gangrene (tissue death) that is very difficult to treat and which may eventually have to be removed.

Medicines and Treatments for Raynaud’s Disease

Raynaud's diseaseStart by wearing heavy socks to avoid exposure to colds, but if that does not work, then you can resort to medications, which aim to reduce the number of attacks, prevent tissue destruction and treat diseases that cause Raynaud’s disease.

Calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine, amlodipine also medicines that help dilates blood vessels. The doctor will choose the right medication for you according to the case. Some tips to reduce the severity and number of episodes of illness and improve your overall condition:

  • Stop smoking, which reduces blood flow to the extremities.
  • Exercise to improve blood circulation.
  • Stay away from stressful situations and places.
  • Limit your intake of caffeinated drinks. Protect your hands and feet from injuries, and do not walk bare feet or wear footwear that stresses the feet.
  • Avoid work that involves dealing with vibrators for long periods of time.
  • The most important point in dealing with attacks of Raynaud’s disease is to warm your limbs well.

And as long as you are Safe

The past week, I saw a lot of my illness, and they complained of cold extremities more than every year. So I decided that I would help more in spreading awareness about this case and whether you need to be examined by a doctor?

Heard About Raynaud’s Disease

Raynaud’s disease is a disease that causes certain parts of your body, such as the toes or the hand, the nose, or the ear. In cases of hypothermia, it causes a state of numbness or coldness for you. As the peripheral blood vessels that supply these parts with blood shrink in this. Disease, which limits the flow of blood in these parts. Its treatment depends on how advanced the condition is and whether the person suffers from other comorbidities.

If you go to a Doctor

Go to the doctor immediately if you suffer from an advanced case of Raynaud’s disease and notice the appearance of infection or ulcer on one of the affected fingers.

Raynaud's disease

In advanced cases, blood flow to the extremities may be reduced completely, causing changes and defects in the fingers. And if the blood is completely cut off, severe infections will soon appear, which will turn into an ulcer or gangrene (tissue death). Which is very difficult to treat and may eventually have to amputation.

The doctor will direct some questions to you with the aim of diagnosing the disease and recognizing whether or not there are complications. Such as asking about symptoms. When they began and whether changes over time, changes that occur in the extremities. The relationship with cold or stress. Other diseases and medications, family history, smoking or caffeine, and exercise.

Diagnosis and Testing for Raynaud’s Disease

The diagnosis is made by identifying the sick history and symptoms. The accompanying diseases besides the medical examination. And the case may need some analysis sometimes. And if another disease is suspected that is the cause of the emergence of Raynaud’s, other analyzes will be performed. Such as the antibody to the nucleus ANA, the sedimentation rate.

Other Surgeries and Treatments Include


The sympathetic nerves in the affected limb responsible for the violent reaction in Raynaud’s disease to severe cold or tension are cut by narrowing blood vessels. This process reduces the duration and severity of attacks, but it is not effective in all cases.

Injections with chemicals

Certain substances are injected into the responsible nerves to disable them. And you may need to repeat the injection more than once to achieve good results.


In cases where blood flow is completely stopped, the doctor may have to amputate the affected finger. Lifestyle and home recipes.

Dealing with Episodes of Raynaud’s Disease

Episodes of Raynaud's DiseaseThe most important point in dealing with attacks of Raynaud’s disease is to warm your limbs well. Move to a warm place. Place your hands under your arms. Move your hands and feet to warm up. Move your arms in circles. Put your hands and feet in warm. Not hot water, massage your limbs. And do Forget to deal with stressful situations and cold spells. Try to relax and do something you love.

Alternative Medicine and Raynaud’s Disease

There are some substances that may help improve your condition. For example, nutritional supplements that contain fish oil, ginkgo. And the use of relaxation techniques in order to increase the brain’s control over the body temperature biofeedback. Do not use these substances before consulting a doctor to avoid any interactions with Other medicines that you are taking or that affect your health.

Raynaud’s Disease Prevention

If you become ill. It must be dealt with permanently. But there are ways to prevent attacks that may help greatly. For example: Wear heavy clothes in the winter. Especially when you go out. And do not expose your limbs or head to air directly. While you are at home wear socks and wear a hand cover in case you use the refrigerator Or the freezer. And it is better to move to a place with a suitable atmosphere to suit your condition.


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