Guest Post

Guest Post Guidelines:- You are very welcome to write for the Wordnewss! In our blog, we plan to provide high-quality, useful content about news, health opportunities, and general topics about current news. Articles on our website are educational and provide value to our audience – we expect your guest post to be of high quality. Your articles should offer expert advice or educate people about your preferred topic and make it clear and easy to understand.

Main Instructions:

  • Your article should contain 1,000+ words of educational, non-promotional content. Please don’t add fluff. Make sure your article goes in-depth and provides actionable advice to the reader immediately after reading.
  • Please review your article for grammatical and ALL other errors and typos.
  • Be sure to properly reference all data, draw logical conclusions, and examine any external content referred to in the article.
  • Incorporate one or two images and link to their source if you don’t own the rights. Include your bio at the end of the article, including a direct link to Wordnewss . Mention other Wordnewss blog posts as well.
  • Please make sure your article is original and not published elsewhere. We do not accept work that has previously been published elsewhere – we will check for plagiarism.


  • While we fully understand that you want to promote yourself and your company through your guest post, please keep in mind that we are not a promotional blog.
  • The article should include no more than 2 links to your company’s content (such as blog posts). These shouldn’t lead to your landing page, sign-up page, or similar promotional content.
  • You can link to up to one external resource, as long as they’re of high quality and not part of a link-building scheme.

Next Steps:

  • Please check our previous blog posts to see if your topic has been previously covered. Please do some keyword research if possible so you can suggest an SEO-friendly headline, subheadings, and article content.
  • We are friendly, casual, encouraging, and informative, and your article should be too. Don’t be overly corporate; write an article you would enjoy reading yourself.
  • Write to admin(at)wordnewss(dot)com, with the subject line “Guest Post Pitch” and a brief explanation of the idea. Feel free to submit several guest post ideas so we can pick the best ones for our blog.
  • Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

In Conclusion:

  • The editorial team at Wordnewss reserves the right to edit your article and to update it in the future to coincide with current events, trends, and the Wordnewss theme.
  • Each article may include calls to action that have been already uploaded on the Wordnewss blog.
  • If we don’t reply to your guest post submission within two weeks, there is a high probability that your topic wasn’t a good fit for our blog.
  • Please reach out to us within two weeks of your pitch. After two weeks, do not make contact. If you don’t hear from us, it is highly likely your topic was not appropriate.

We are looking forward to your submission.

